Autism-like Cluster

What to do

In this section we describe some ideas of things that you can do about behaviours in the autism-like cluster. Some ideas are things that caregivers can do with children, and others are ideas that adolescents and adults with TSC can do themselves. As there is almost no research about interventions for autism-like behaviours or autism in individuals with TSC, most of the strategies described in this toolkit are from research in autism in individuals without TSC.

Below you will find strategies for encouraging social connection and communication, ideas for play, visual supports and social stories, strategies for sensory sensitivities, supports for adolescents and young adults, tips for what NOT to do, as well as additional resources on a variety of topics often relevant for children with autism, such as toilet training. There are many online resources for parents of children with autism. In the resource panel you will find two parent resources that cover a range of topics, designed especially for parents.

We acknowledge that individuals with autism-like cluster behaviours may also have dysregulated or challenging behaviours, such as tantrums, aggressive behaviour or self-harm. More information on these and strategies for dealing with them in individuals with TSC can be found in the dysregulated cluster (see the resource panel).

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