Managing your child’s sleep behaviours are difficult when you are also sleep deprived. Tips outlined here should be implemented with the support of others. Consider accessing respite support if possible, or additional professional support via specialist sleep services.
Prioritise the sleep behaviours that are of most concern to you and your family, do not try to resolve everything all at once. Managing poor sleep is not a quick fix and will not be resolved overnight. Take time for yourself and prioritise your own self-care when needed.
Identifying pain
Children who are in pain or discomfort have more sleep problems, which is important to rule out in relation to poor sleep. The Face, Legs, Activity, Crying and Consolability (FLACC) Pain Scale is a tool any caregiver can use to look for non-verbal indicators of pain in their child. Use this tool to rule out pain as a cause of poor sleep. If pain behaviours are identified, consult your doctor or healthcare provider to treat the cause of pain with targeted medication or medical procedures.