Mood/Anxiety Cluster

Self-management of mood problems

You don’t need to wait for a diagnosis to begin! 

  • Practice a positive attitude by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones
  • Meditation and mindfulness help develop a sense of awareness and self-compassion
  • Acknowledge your strengths and limitations and then focus on what you can do, and set realistic, short-term goals for yourself.  
  • Try to get up each, get dressed, and establish and maintain a consistent routine regardless of how you are feeling that day.

There are many general strategies that anyone can use to help manage their mood. 

Get some exercise: exercise provides many benefits both physically and mentally.  This can be as simple as a daily walk, yoga, sports, or anything that gets you active

Get enough sleep: an appropriate amount of sleep—not too much or too little—can help with mood and energy level

Eat a well-balanced diet: also avoid too much alcohol or caffeine

Do something you enjoy: examples include such as practicing yoga, listening to music, reading a book, taking a walk, practicing a hobby, or hanging out with friends