Psychosocial Cluster


There are different resources that could help you/your family members to build self-esteem, these are grouped according to age below.

Children and teenagers

Various resources of information about self-esteem and strategies to build self-esteem in children and teenagers, and stories told by young people who have worked through low self-esteem, are presented in the resource panel. These resources are easily accessible and can be used to guide caregivers or other family members.


  • Praise your child’s efforts and qualities.
  • Focus on what he/she is doing right.
  • Schedule sufficient quality time with him/her.
  • Be honest about your or your relative’s situation, accept what you cannot change, spend your energy on what you can change; be clear about your values, take value-based actions.


  • Do not keep him/her from making mistakes.
  • Do not compare him/her with other children.
  • Do not nag or ignore him/her when displaying difficult behaviour.  



Self-esteem and Teenagers


Things to Try: Self-esteem



Resources in the resource panel provide a combination of facts and easily implementable actions to improve self-esteem. 


  • Talk to yourself in a positive way.
  • Challenge negative thoughts or ideas about yourself.
  • Focus on the ‘here-and-now’ and try not to think about the past or future.
  • Try to communicate in a direct way and stand up for yourself.
  • Schedule sufficient moments for exercise and quality time with family and friends. 





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