There are different resources that could help you/your family members to build self-esteem, these are grouped according to age below.
Children and teenagers
Various resources of information about self-esteem and strategies to build self-esteem in children and teenagers, and stories told by young people who have worked through low self-esteem, are presented in the resource panel. These resources are easily accessible and can be used to guide caregivers or other family members.
Praise your child’s efforts and qualities.
Focus on what he/she is doing right.
Schedule sufficient quality time with him/her.
Be honest about your or your relative’s situation, accept what you cannot change, spend your energy on what you can change; be clear about your values, take value-based actions.
Do not keep him/her from making mistakes.
Do not compare him/her with other children.
Do not nag or ignore him/her when displaying difficult behaviour.